Global Access to students with verified credentials
Gain efficiencies from Blockchain verified and evaluated credentials. Improves the quality of the application in the pipeline and increases their conversion rate significantly.
Gain efficiencies from Blockchain verified and evaluated credentials. Improves the quality of the application in the pipeline and increases their conversion rate significantly.
Students will be able to pick agents based on geo proximity and student feedback history (shown as a rating). This will only help the university route their applications through more successful channels.
Content framework loaded with your information as University and your course details are filled on the platform. You can customize content to showcase to your target global audience on our multilingual portal.
Intelligent rewards engine which picks up events automatically and administers the programme.
We can provide admissions, student management and learning management solutions as well as an extension to our offerings to institutions, where needed.
Seamless integration with your admission system through APIs.
Access to global student markets powered by a strong agent network
Improved student outcomes, enabled by smart profile matching tool
Blockchain verified credentials of students saves you time and administration work
Decentralized, highly visible platform for running scholarship programmes
SHOW ME HOW THE PLATFORM WORKS FOR STUDENTSFill an online application form. Our onboarding team will get in touch with you to set you up on the platform. Choose one of our subscription options.
Review your pre-loaded content and make corrections where needed. Set up your online application form on the portal and make necessary settings to enable API integration to your admission system. You can also use our online admission solution to manage your applications.
Set up your reward programmes and fund them with your AO wallet. Establish selection, award, and disbursement rules to make rewards automatic.
Institutional manager account can be used to set up other associated accounts.
BECOME OUR INSTITUTIONAL PARTNEREvery student will be assigned a smart crypto wallet that will store AO reward coins (AOR) that they have earned or purchased through the Apply Once platform. Students can use these coins to pay for application and other related services.
Universities can set up various AO rewards programmes for students to motivate students through their admission process.
Universities can use the AO crypto wallet to accept payment while helping student save upto 50% on their bank charges.
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International Student at Linnaeus University
Also, Credential Verification and Authentication platform, Veri Once is integrated with Apply Once. With this amalgamation, digitally verified credentials are guaranteed for every application, and so, institutions can benefit a great deal from it.